Sunday, November 27, 2005

I have had such a long weekend. wow. thanksgiving, work, christmas tree set-up, work, movies, church, homework, and REALLY stormy weather! wow~ the wind is blowing so hard today. it actually really scared me. i almost lost my driver door of my car. hmmm...that would have been nice, i could have gotten a new car then! : )

alright. well, homework beckons me so i must say adios!
By the way, Jesus rocks my socks! i am so tired, but i can't wait to be done with my homework so i can read my bible. woohoo~!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

today was a crazy long day at work! oh boy! i woke up at 6 am and it is now 1245 am! i have been busy working ALL this time! i thought i worked a 12 hour shift, but i can't count. it was a 14 hour day! how nuts is that?

eww. here's the nasty stuff that happened today. i was supposed to do this one fam's makeover, and didn't get to, and they ended up spending over $6500! i was so mad! or really just disappointed.

i was standing storefront w/ natasha (who is 24) and these two OLD men ( we are talking mid-60s ) walked by, kind of galked at us, then one said to me, how about 10 for $1?

I didn't get what he meant, neither did natasha. but then, partially based on how they were looking at us, she said, "i hope they weren't being perverted."

Well, later, the same men walked by again and i was up there a lone, and the same guy says "you still have the hottest body in the whole mall!"
ewww!!!!!!! gross! even if htat had been a good looking young man, that is nasty! but coming from a man who should be at home darning his wife's yarn, that is so gross!

then there was this other guy who was in his thirties who kept hitting on me. he asked me so many questions that i was like "no. No. No." questions like "married? boyfriend? want one? wanna go out?"
oh dear.

i am so tired. but i still need to have my bible time.

which is cool. God always has something new for

me. eek! reading the Bible is like discovering

spring's first flowers popping out from the snow.

Ok. i love you all. goodnight

Monday, November 21, 2005

I love the night sky. It is so beautiful. The other night it was amazing. I got home late from work and there were all these huge clouds, separated only a little between each one. It looked like a puzzle, but with all the pieces placed JUST SO where they weren't quite touching. But what was REALLY cool was that the moon was right behind them, and it was full so the light was shining through really bright. I mean there were actually moonrays

it was awesome

today was so crazy busy. i was out for over twelve hours, and without really eating!

and you know how i am when it comes to food...

i had a meeting with a girl in my cell group today, at Theresa's house. It went really well. I am praying for her a lot cuz i know that she is gonna have such a powerful testimony when she overcomes the stuff in her life. how do i know? cuz that's just how God works!

i have no idea why, but i have been feeling really dreamy lately. i think it's cuz i am so busy, i am trying to imagine myself miles away, and sometimes it just works.

I am so excited about the holidays. Eek! it's hard to stay focused though. i have to make this constant conscious effort not to get put off by the crazines of the holidays. when i am at work, it is insane how many people are out there, spending all their time spending money instead of spending it loving their families. there was one christmas we could barely afford gifts for each other. so we told each other what we would get each other for christmas if we COULd. it was such a fun memory. i have never had a bad christmas. it doesn't matter what happens or if u don't get your wish list or anything. it's all about family and love and remembering Jesus!

I love the weather too! and sweaters! oh yeah, and the breeze. Alta still owes me a kite-flying date!

hmmm...ahh...turkey. i wish things were different so i could spend thanksgiving with alta. but life is life. And that means God is still good. goodnight

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Last Night was a good night at work. I actually had three clients, but one of them didn't buy anything. Her kids were a pain in the neck and could not sit still for a picture, so the pics did not come out good. Oh well. i still made some really good commission. But better than that is that I really made a good impression on my managers. including the District Manager. They want to give me all the good stuff. cuz i have proven myself, so Holly said that if i keep doing like i am, she will schedule me before any of the other girls, because of my good attitude and positive aggressiveness. i hope that doesn't sound self-serving or pompous. i am just really happy that i am doing well. i always strive to do my best in new circumstances. and i am not the kind of person to make a good first impression then slack off once i am "in." so i am really hoping that i can make the most of this job. maybe God wants me there for a reason i don't even see right now. God is cool like that you know. Okay, got to go to work. Tootles.
Ok. Happy Saturday Bloggers!
Yesterday i told u that i had written a worship song but that i couldn't put up the lyrics, cuz they were at home and i wasn't! hehe.
ok, so i am at home now, with my lyrics, so here they are:

(oh by the way the song is called YOUR GLORY)

I'm standing here
Waiting in this place
I am searching
And looking for Your face

I thought that You
Were hiding in the wind
The strong fire
I couldn't find You in

But then in the whisper
Hidden in the quiet
That's where I found all of You

DOn't hide Your face from me
I want to follow Thee
Humbly fall to my knees
Completely in awe of You
Completely in awe of You

Now that I know
WHere You may be found
I never want
To lose sight of Your sweet sound

Repeat Chorus (x 2)

Friday, November 18, 2005

Hey. It doesn't show it. but i came up as 21. yeah hah. that is so me. all da way!
hey bloggers!

the other day i wrote a worship song. it's just lyrics, but everyone should know that i could never actually write out chords to a song. maybe i can get preston or someone else to do it. i don't have it with me right now, but i will post it on here soon.

have a blessed day!

Oh! here's some stuff i have been reading that has really touched me:

1 Tim 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

this was a mix of encouragement and conviction. i have had at least three different people prophecy over me that i am going to be used in the ministry of dance. i have such a passion for dancing. i just haven't put it to good use. i have done little dance things, but not stuff that TRULy glorifies God. i want to get dance lessons so i can feel confident, i just don't know where to start.

1 Tim 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor toput their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain. but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

i wrote a bunch of notes on this in my bible. here's some of it. Don't fall under the impression that Christians must suffer materially to be holy, or that God will only meet our needs. He made us to be happy, and wants to bless us with "enjoyment" in life. So many times Christians get all hung up on suffring and DYING to the flesh in an OVERboard way. just because we are following after God does not mean we have to deny ourselves of EVERYthing and live in a shack. Job was considered like, the HOLIEST man onthe face of the earth, and he had been very financially prosperous. Faith in God does not mean physical suffering. it does, however, require us to die to our flesh and be willing to lay down all of our worldly possessions. This was the problem with the rich young ruler in matthew. He was not willing to give all his possessions away. they were his god, and in order to follow after God, He alone must be Lord of our heart.

These are some inspiring quotes about your attitude, your perception of life, and your beliefs:

Colleen C. Barrett:
Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.

For everything there is a season,And a time for every matter under heaven:A time to be born, and a time to die;A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;A time to kill, and a time to heal;A time to break down, and a time to build up;A time to weep, and a time to laugh;A time to mourn, and a time to dance;A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;A time to seek, and a time to lose;A time to keep, and a time to throw away;A time to tear, and a time to sew;A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;A time to love, and a time to hate,A time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Helen Keller:
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.

James A. Froude:
You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.

Marian Wright Edelman:
You really can change the world if you care enough
(I LOVE this one. As Christians, we so easily get into a rut of complacency, or we get discouraged thinking about how many people there are in the world who don't know God personally. We have to remember that "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world" Even the fact that our "He" has a capital letter instead of a lowercase one should encourage us that He is a pretty powerful guy! hehe. Don't get discouraged. God wants us all to make a difference. And the great thing is, we can!)