Friday, November 18, 2005

hey bloggers!

the other day i wrote a worship song. it's just lyrics, but everyone should know that i could never actually write out chords to a song. maybe i can get preston or someone else to do it. i don't have it with me right now, but i will post it on here soon.

have a blessed day!

Oh! here's some stuff i have been reading that has really touched me:

1 Tim 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

this was a mix of encouragement and conviction. i have had at least three different people prophecy over me that i am going to be used in the ministry of dance. i have such a passion for dancing. i just haven't put it to good use. i have done little dance things, but not stuff that TRULy glorifies God. i want to get dance lessons so i can feel confident, i just don't know where to start.

1 Tim 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor toput their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain. but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

i wrote a bunch of notes on this in my bible. here's some of it. Don't fall under the impression that Christians must suffer materially to be holy, or that God will only meet our needs. He made us to be happy, and wants to bless us with "enjoyment" in life. So many times Christians get all hung up on suffring and DYING to the flesh in an OVERboard way. just because we are following after God does not mean we have to deny ourselves of EVERYthing and live in a shack. Job was considered like, the HOLIEST man onthe face of the earth, and he had been very financially prosperous. Faith in God does not mean physical suffering. it does, however, require us to die to our flesh and be willing to lay down all of our worldly possessions. This was the problem with the rich young ruler in matthew. He was not willing to give all his possessions away. they were his god, and in order to follow after God, He alone must be Lord of our heart.


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