Tuesday, November 22, 2005

today was a crazy long day at work! oh boy! i woke up at 6 am and it is now 1245 am! i have been busy working ALL this time! i thought i worked a 12 hour shift, but i can't count. it was a 14 hour day! how nuts is that?

eww. here's the nasty stuff that happened today. i was supposed to do this one fam's makeover, and didn't get to, and they ended up spending over $6500! i was so mad! or really just disappointed.

i was standing storefront w/ natasha (who is 24) and these two OLD men ( we are talking mid-60s ) walked by, kind of galked at us, then one said to me, how about 10 for $1?

I didn't get what he meant, neither did natasha. but then, partially based on how they were looking at us, she said, "i hope they weren't being perverted."

Well, later, the same men walked by again and i was up there a lone, and the same guy says "you still have the hottest body in the whole mall!"
ewww!!!!!!! gross! even if htat had been a good looking young man, that is nasty! but coming from a man who should be at home darning his wife's yarn, that is so gross!

then there was this other guy who was in his thirties who kept hitting on me. he asked me so many questions that i was like "no. No. No. and...no." questions like "married? boyfriend? want one? wanna go out?"
oh dear.

i am so tired. but i still need to have my bible time.

which is cool. God always has something new for

me. eek! reading the Bible is like discovering

spring's first flowers popping out from the snow.

Ok. i love you all. goodnight


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