Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Do you ever just look up at the sky and wonder what kind of things God thinks about? You know, like when He sees all the pain in the world, does He cry? there is supposed to be no sorrow in Heaven, but God weeps for His children... that is something interesting to think about.

I think the night sky is beautiful. It is full of wonder and is like one great masterpiece created by God. Like a dream, almost. You can just get lost in the sky. How can anyone see the beauty of it and not understand that some magnificent Creator designed all that?

I have been having a really awesome time getting more and more into the word of God, and spending more time thinking about Him throughout the day. Strange thing, though, usually when i go through times of increased awareness of God's presence in my life, it causes me to be filled with joy, like, ALL the time. but lately i have been feeling like crying Soooo much. When i am not with people, especially, and i am left alone with my thoughts. it just can get to be overwhelming.

Part of it may be hormonal right now, who knows, but the main reason is because i am so sensitive to other people's emotions. it is one of those qualities that is my greatest strength and greatest weakness. Good in that I can empathize with those people, but bad in that it weighs me down emotionally.

Sometimes life just gets crazy and you start to realize how many people there are with so many hurts, just aching for answers. For relief from their anxiety. I want to be really joyful right now. it's like it is inside of me, but i don't have the strength to pull it out. Every day has felt like a rainy day. I feel kind of bottled up, but i HATe that feeling, and so i try not to feel it. I don't know. I am crazy. I am tired when i get plenty of sleep, I am sad when I should be happy, and I am fighting crabbiness at the most easy-going times. This doesn't make any sense. A part of me understands it, but the rest of me is telling me to just Snap OUT of it.


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