Monday, November 21, 2005

I love the night sky. It is so beautiful. The other night it was amazing. I got home late from work and there were all these huge clouds, separated only a little between each one. It looked like a puzzle, but with all the pieces placed JUST SO where they weren't quite touching. But what was REALLY cool was that the moon was right behind them, and it was full so the light was shining through really bright. I mean there were actually moonrays

it was awesome

today was so crazy busy. i was out for over twelve hours, and without really eating!

and you know how i am when it comes to food...

i had a meeting with a girl in my cell group today, at Theresa's house. It went really well. I am praying for her a lot cuz i know that she is gonna have such a powerful testimony when she overcomes the stuff in her life. how do i know? cuz that's just how God works!

i have no idea why, but i have been feeling really dreamy lately. i think it's cuz i am so busy, i am trying to imagine myself miles away, and sometimes it just works.

I am so excited about the holidays. Eek! it's hard to stay focused though. i have to make this constant conscious effort not to get put off by the crazines of the holidays. when i am at work, it is insane how many people are out there, spending all their time spending money instead of spending it loving their families. there was one christmas we could barely afford gifts for each other. so we told each other what we would get each other for christmas if we COULd. it was such a fun memory. i have never had a bad christmas. it doesn't matter what happens or if u don't get your wish list or anything. it's all about family and love and remembering Jesus!

I love the weather too! and sweaters! oh yeah, and the breeze. Alta still owes me a kite-flying date!

hmmm...ahh...turkey. i wish things were different so i could spend thanksgiving with alta. but life is life. And that means God is still good. goodnight


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