Saturday, November 19, 2005

Last Night was a good night at work. I actually had three clients, but one of them didn't buy anything. Her kids were a pain in the neck and could not sit still for a picture, so the pics did not come out good. Oh well. i still made some really good commission. But better than that is that I really made a good impression on my managers. including the District Manager. They want to give me all the good stuff. cuz i have proven myself, so Holly said that if i keep doing like i am, she will schedule me before any of the other girls, because of my good attitude and positive aggressiveness. i hope that doesn't sound self-serving or pompous. i am just really happy that i am doing well. i always strive to do my best in new circumstances. and i am not the kind of person to make a good first impression then slack off once i am "in." so i am really hoping that i can make the most of this job. maybe God wants me there for a reason i don't even see right now. God is cool like that you know. Okay, got to go to work. Tootles.


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