Friday, December 16, 2005

good afternoon y'all! i was supposed to take my Biology final today, would not have bumped me to an A, and at CCCC a B is a B, no matter how hi or low. So i got out of that.

Yesterday was supposed to be ar eally nice, relaxing day at home with Joshua (since he was sick), and then I was gonna have Holly Adams over to watch The Incredibles. However, it turned into the highest stress day I have had in awhile. I ended up spending half the day driving (multiple times_), housesitting for my grandparents (to no avail), administering all kinds of medicines to Joshua, trying to do homework with him so he doesn't fall behind...then while i was at my grandparents', my mom calls and starts freaking out because...little did i know, i was scheduled to work at three oclock! and here it was 3:15 or so, and i was in allen in sweats and slippers!...oh dear.

i thought i was gonna get fired...oh boy
i hurried so much...then got to work at four...then got off at 11
oclock. I had SUCH a long day! and just think, as of two days ago, i would have been on a roadtrip at that time! (at 3...when Glamor shots called)...they would have been in a DIRE stait if i hadn't been able to be there. but it wasnn't my fault that i wasn't there, so holly wasn't mad at me...i was thinking she would at least give me a dirty look when i got there, but she just looked at me gratefully...and thanked me for coming in...phew! but seriously, i felt soooo nauseous when my mom told me i was supposed to be at work...i had that sickening feeling, because i thought they would be SOOO mad at me, even though I knew it wasn't my fault. then i had to gather Joshua together with all his stuff, and drive home fast, and then get into work clothes, then RUSH out the door to frisco. i felt sick. i am just glad i didn't go unconscious in the car. i thought i might. i don't know if this makes any sense. oh well.
at one point, while i was driving, i was so hi-strung i had to just shut my brain off (which was no easy task) and just start praying in the spirit. it was the only way i could think to calm my nerves. hey it worked, cuz i am still alive. :)
that's all i can think of to say right now, except this:

1) Joel comes home tonite!
2) Alta's staying home from Kansas!
3) I get to go to BOTH parties this weekend!
4) I finally shaved after three months! eww!! (i think i lost 3 lb. after shaving~)
God is Good as always...H03 was awesome...I am going to six flags!


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